Aug 18, 2010

Happy birthday Luís! (18th of August)


Not that I photograph my sons and daughter very often (I should do a lot more!), but being a photographer and the lucky father of some "wonderful kids" (I guess that I may sound pretentious to state that, but that is what I honestly think...), I possibly have a bigger chance to create some memorable images that eventually transcend the mere function of memories in one's life.

Luís in Heidelberg, Ziegelhausen, December 15th, 1986

Hasselblad 500EL/M + Carl Zeiss Sonnar 150mm

Ilford HP5, developed in Kodak D-76, diluted 1+1

Luís celebrates today his 27th birthday, and these photographs remember me of a long gone age when we lived back in Germany. Sometimes I have the feeling that an eternity has gone by...

The clock doesn't stop for no one, and the child on these lovely pictures is a mature young man today, a man that I cherish and very much admire.

Allow me to say "Happy birthday my son! I am proud of you!"



  1. Muito obrigado pai ;)
    Um grande beijo

  2. De nada meu filho.
    Um grande beijo para ti também.
    Mais uma vez, feliz aniversário, e que venham muitos anos,felizes e cheios de saúde e com algum bem estar económico e com melhores politícos e com bom vinho e com boas companhias, etc, etc.!

  3. Happy Belated Birthday to Luis. These portraits are to be cherished, but more so, the man.
    I hope you are well, Rui.
